Jharkhand Flying Institute (JFI) is registered under the Society Act (1860) in the year 2023 Under Dept. of Cabinet Secretariat and Vigilance (Civil Aviation Division), Govt. of Jharkhand. Presently Imparting training on motor gliders Up to Glider Pilot License (GPL), and Aeromodelling facilities are being provided at Ranchi. Additionally, Society is providing Chartering of fixed wing aircraft and air ambulance services to general public of state of Jharkhand.
To Promote, advise, support, encourage, and assist training activities in the State of Jharkhand.
The Society shall be primarily engaged in promotion and training in the field of aviation
Includes offering flight training programs (from GPL to CPL) and exciting opportunities in aero modelling.
The Society shall be operated as far as possible on cost-covering principles and with a view to becoming self-supporting in due course.